Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stop thief!!

Yesterday, I went for my treatment and was already running late. Just before I got in, a lady across the road was screaming at a guy with glasses and a cap who was carrying some kind of machine, a till perhaps?? I was abit fazzled as seems alll happening abit quickly. A chinese man was shouting at her and I guess dialling his phone to get the police?

The guy seems a little calm though he was rushing to get the machine in the car....a silver Toyota Corolla! The lights were red and my instincts told me to memorise the car number plate which I did!! So sad as I always remember car number plates when I would much rather remember birthdays!!! Was unsure what to do next...write it down....give the lady my support...or......or dont get involved. All this was going on in circles in my head as I head in for my appointment!!!

Feeling guilty when I left my appointment but saw a police car in front of the florist, without hestitation I went in and told the police what I saw. The owner was a shaken older guy who just kept thanking me for giving more hopefully valuable information.

I hope I have helped felt good anyway!


schatzi said...

Wow! What an adventure you had! I hope they catch the guy. How brazen really, at broad daylight. Good thing he wasn't waving a gun around. On another note; was really nice to see you again yesterday. Hopefully again soon?

pommygran8 said...

Good work kiddo! every little bit helps-phew-what a yucky experience....

TomDiggleHarry said...

A hero mum!! What else can you do??

sydhappyguy said...

good on you - getting involved and making a diff3r3nc3! x